Flash Fiction Competition 2024: “Utopia”

We had some wonderful entries for our recent Poetry Competition and we’re hoping for a similar response for our latest Flash Fiction challenge.

This time the prompt is “Utopia”. The word limit is 300 (not including title) but remember that every word should count – you’re looking to distil the very essence of your story into its purest form while at the same time immersing the reader into the scene. And also remember that 300 words is a limit, not a target. If you can achieve what you want in 219 or 73 words, that’s fine.

You can enter via hard copy or by email with docx/pdf attachments.

Deadline is 17 August with winners announced on 4 September 2024. Full details and rules are on our Competitions Page. Our judge will be the awesome Anne Howkins.

If you want to see some past winners, click here for 202320222021.

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